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UK Nature > Moths

Adela reaumurella
Longhorn Moth

Agriphila straminella
Grass Moth

Agriphila tristella
Grass Moth

Anthophila fabriciana
Nettle Tap

Autographa gamma
Silver Y

Camptogramma bilineata
Yellow Shell

Celypha lacunana
Common Marble

Chloroclysta truncata
Marbled Carpet

Deilephila elpenor
Elephant Hawk Moth

Dichrorampha alpinana
Broad-blotch Drill

Epiblema scutulana
Thistle Bell

Epiphyas postvittana
Light Brown Apple Moth

Esperia sulphurella
Sulphur Experia

Euplagia quadripunctaria
Jersey Tiger Moth

Eurrhypara hortulata
Small Magpie

Brown House Moth

Idaea aversata
Riband Wave

Idaea straminata
Plain Wave

Mesapamea didyma
Lesser Common Rustic

Micropterix aruncella
White-barred Gold

Naenia typica
The Gothic

Noctua janthe
Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing

Noctua pronuba
Large Yellow Underwing

Peribatodes rhomboidaria
Willow Beauty

Phlogophora meticulosa
Angle Shades

Pleuroptya ruralis
Mother of Pearl

Pyrausta aurata
Mint Moth

Scoparia ambigualis
Common Grey

Synanthedon tipuliformis
Currant Clearwing

Timandra Comae

Triodia sylvina
Orange Swift

Tyria jacobaeae
Cinnabar Moth

Xanthorhoe fluctuata
Garden Carpet

Xestia c-nigrum
Setaceous Hebrew Character

Zygaena filipendulae
Six-spot Burnet

Zygaena lonicerae
Five Spot Burnet is a website dedicated to showing the immense diversity of UK nature and wildlife. Our vast range of habitats, from lowland arable to snow covered mountains, from storm-ravaged coastlines to peaceful inland freshwater lakes and rivers, from dry heaths to forests, all these habitats contribute to the abundant plethora of UK nature, both flora and fauna. We must also not forget the humble back garden with its grass lawns, flower beds filled with nectar rich flowers, shrubs and trees, all designed to attract huge numbers of insects such as bees, moths, butterflies and hoverflies; and finally the small ponds which provide safe havens for frogs, toads, newts and even slow worms and grass snakes. is the showcase for my personal passion, photographing uknature in all its glory. I sincerely hope you all enjoy the fruits of my labours.